About Us
The organization resulted from a heartfelt need and desire of Bowie State University Alumni living in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area to promote the institution and its student’s general education and welfare. Among our objectives are to financially aid students who wish to attend Bowie and to solicit and secure adequate funding from the state legislature.
As early as the 1940's when the Maryland State Teachers Convention convened in Baltimore City, the Baltimore Chapter of the Bowie State Teachers Alumni Association sponsored a scholarship fundraiser dance at the Odd Fellows Hall.
Presidents who served the organization faithfully over a period of years were William P. Mason, lvin Dotson, Lola Mills, Marjorie Hail, T.C. Hamilton, Rachel Thompson, Henry Lee, William Moore, Paul F. Scott Sr., Paul McGowan, Frederick D. Taylor Jr. and most recently Clarence Mollock among others.
Realization of the objectives of the organization was accomplished through monthly meetings, social and cultural activities as well as fund raising activities. These fund-raising activities included the following: Christmas parties, picnics, dinners, theatre parties, trips, silent teas, fashion shows, dinner dances, cruises, states on parade rallies, and scholarship dances.
As a result of these activities we have been able to select students from Greater Baltimore to receive scholarships based on academic standing, potentiality and financial need. Also, we have purchased band uniforms, given to the Athletic Department, and financially supported the effort to purchase the Goodloe Property (home of the first president of Bowie State University), etc.
Chapter Officers
Ruby B. Nelson President
Maya Owens Vice President
Denine House Secretary
Frederick Taylor Treasurer
Our members have participated in many Bowie activities, such as: The President's Scholarship Gala, The President's Club, the Bull Dog Club, Telethon Fund Raising Campaign, and CIAA.
Our members have also served in different capacities of the Bowie State University National Alumni Association including President.
The present officers continue to carry on the traditions of the Association. The spirit of the founding members of the organization remain viable.
Chapter Committees
Events Committee
This committee will be responsible for planning chapter events such as the Holiday Celebration,
and the CIAA Host Event with the goal to engage and recruit new alumni members. If you are
interested in joining this committee, please contact Ruby B. Nelson at rubybnelson@gmail.com
or 410.428.6027
Communication Committee
This committee will be responsible for the development and distribution of chapter
communication documents. This includes the chapter calendar, chapter welcome package and
newsletter. If you are interested in this committee, please contact Maya Owens
at maya.owens1188@gmail.com
Strategic Planning Committee
This committee will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the chapter selected
National Strategic Plan goal. The goal selected was as follows: To promote a comprehensive
and intentional approach to alumni engagement. If you are interested in this committee,
please contact Frederick Taylor atFrederick.Taylor@cwrtech.com.
Public Service Committee
This committee is responsible for selecting and helping the chapter support our public service event. We want to provide service to our committee. If you are interested in this committee please contact Denine House at denine415@yahoo.com
Current (July 2022 - june 2023) Members
*** Lifetime Members of Local and National
** Lifetime Members of Local
* Lifetime Member of National
Essie Banks ***
Wendy Barnes *
David Bruce *
Anna-Dotson **
Ivan-Dotson **
Sandra Edmonds ***
Makeba Green *
Darius Jackson
Aaron Johnson
Estelle Johnson **
Natalie McCabe
Paul McGowan
Nicholas "Nick" Miles *
Stacey Mitchell-Brown
Clarence Mollock ***
Ruby Nelson ***
Maya-Owens ("Formerly Newman")
Thelma Robinson ***
Karen Sams-Davis *
Betty-Stokes *
Frederick Taylor ***
Kaymina Thompson
Rodney Washington *
Nicole Williams